Mormons - escapes persecution and settled down in Utah
Chinese - suffered racial violence but also prospered economically
Christian missionaries - could spread their faith among American Indians
The reasons that islamic fundamentalist took control of Iran basically because Millions of iranians were living in property.
Due to bad climate and poor Governance, a lot of iranian was dissatisfied with their government. Those islamic fundamentalist originally was a civil rebellions who wanted to overthrew the government.
Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.
Option: Building a timeline of English, French, and Spanish colonies in North America.
Before the arrival of European, America was inhabitant by the Native population. After Columbus arrival in 1492, many European powers began to arrive to acquire wealth and land for the crown. Many colonies established for settlers in America.
The decline of the Native population in the United States from the 15th to 17th centuries varies. The Native population began to decline as there was frequent conflict related to the confiscated of the land by the colonists. Many Natives died after coming into contact with Europeans because of the diseases which they were not immune. Disease like smallpox, cholera, malaria, chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever killed thousands of people. The superior weapons like guns and gunpowder helped win battles against the Native Americans.
This phrase is attributed to Protagoras, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher. Although the phase is open to interpretation, one of its possible meanings is the fact that humans are at the center of all existence. Moreover, human perception is the standard of objectivity by which everything else is measured. Therefore, this phrase implies that there is no "force" or "being" outside of humans that can provide us with answers to the questions of existence.
This view is closer to that of Greek religion than to that of Hebrew religion, Judaism. Judaism believes in an <em>objetive</em> truth and <em>objective</em> moral rules, contained in the Torah. Moreover, Jews believe that there is one single God, which is omnipotent and all-knowing, and therefore truth emanates from him and not from men.
On the other hand, Greek religion contains many different gods, all of which are imperfect. This suggests that the behaviour or "teachings" of the gods cannot provide us with an objective truth. Humans need to create their own moral codes and their own assumptions about the world in order to establish their societies. Moreover, gods participate very little in human life and when they do they often create chaos or are defeated, suggesting that gods are fallible and cannot control the whole world. These assumptions mean that Greeks believe humans are significantly autonomous and independent from gods, allowing them to believe that they are at the center of all knowledge and experience.