Former president Andrew Jackson hated the second bank because the second bank was found guilty of corruption and abuse of authority, as well as influence peddling.
The second bank had a chart that provided it 20 years of privilege to carry out United States banking tasks. However, its leaders used its power to favor speculators and merchants above farmers and artisans. Also because many found that the bank used its influences to boost political postures, propositions, and candidates to reach their objectives.
Correct answer is C. capturing territory in western Europe.
Option A is not correct as the church were divided in 1054 and never again were reunited.
B is not correct as Diocletian ruled between 3rd and 4th Century and Justinian ruled with Theodora in 6th Century.
C is correct as they managed to destroy Kingdom of Vandals in Northern Africa and Kingdom of Ostrogoths in Italy.
D is not correct as this was done in 11th Century by Emperor Alexius Comnenus.
Before the end of the British Mandate in Palestine, the United Nations passed a resolution to create two states in that territory, one Arab state and a Jewish state. Jews accepted the resolution and proclaimed the state of Israel in 1948.
The Arabs didn´t accept the UN plan and several Arab nations attacked the newly born Israel. It was the first Arab-Israeli War. Despite the large number of enemy countries, the Israelis prevailed and defeated the Arab armies.
The answer is of course B - water.
Japan is consisted out of four big islands (Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu). While each of them also has their own small characteristics, separate from each other, Japan has in general been isolated due to its specific geographical environment. Not being connected to any landmass such as neighbouring China, the only contact they could have had was by boat. And travelling by boat has always been more difficult compared to packing your stuff and going somewhere.