ISO 27002
The acronym ISO stand for The International Organization for Standardization. its a non governmental body that is responsible for setting standards guide internationally.
while NIST stand for National Institute of Standards and technology and it is also a body that is responsible for setting up standard guide in the US..
ISO 27002 is a standard code for implementing information security management systems. while ISO 27017 is for cloud security. NIST 800-12 is a general security and NIST 800-14 is for policy development. thus option A is correct.
Note :
All code preceded by ISO is from The International Organization for Standardization and are international standard. while those preceded by NIST is from National Institute of Standards and technology and are not international standard.
Straw man
eg. "Senator Jones says that we should not fund the attack submarine program. I disagree entirely. I can't understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that."
Ad hominem
eg. “How can you argue your case for vegetarianism when you are enjoying your steak?”
Over simplication
eg. President Bush wants our country to trade with Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba. I say there should be a trade embargo against Cuba. The issue in our election is Cuban trade, and if you are against it, then you should vote for me for president.
eg. Everyone is selfish; everyone is doing what he believes will make himself happier. The recognition of that can take most of the sting out of accusations that you're being "selfish." Why should you feel guilty for seeking your own happiness when that's what everyone else is doing, too?
Black or white
eg. Well, it's time for a decision. Will you contribute $20 to our environmental fund, or are you on the side of environmental destruction?
Ummmmm I don’t know but I wanna know now.....
The inline-block transforms the element to generate a block of box type which is laid out like an inline box. And in QuirksMode, the inline-block is being placed inline which is on the same line where the other content lies, however, it acts as a block. And the inline-block elements are quite the same as the inline element though you can have the padding as well as the margins that can be added on all the four sides. This is the only difference though, you will have to mention in the CSS code display:inline-block. They are very commonly used to make the horizontal navigation link.
Please check the answer section.
You should find a good game engine that is not hard. Unity and Unreal are some good ones.
You should also search for the programming language you like the most, and use engines that use that specific language.