They actually tried to avoid him being elected entirely. Through almost every ballot box in the southern states, his name wasn’t even on the ballot for voting.
One of the most effective and consistent strategies of the 2004 George W. Bush campaign was the description of John Kerry as a "flip-flopper" who had changed his views for political gain. This line of attack put Kerry in stark contrast to Bush, a man who, his campaign insisted, held firm to his beliefs. This video of John Kerry windsurfing on Nantucket was particularly damaging as it provided a perfect visual metaphor for that plot and also played on the notion that Kerry is an East Coast elitist.
I'm guessing B.
Many people believe taking artifacts and validating tombs of Pharaohs for example is unethical. Basically disturbing the dead and it's history. So taking artifacts can be seen disrespectful in a way.
The Munich Agreement, signed in September 1938, was the pinnacle of appeasement. By acceding to Adolf Hitler's demands, Chamberlain sought to prevent a conflict over Czechoslovakia. The agreement authorised Nazi Germany to take the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia's German-speaking regions.
Burma and India separated but remained under British rule