What makes them similar is that that both Charrington and O'Brien seem to be on Winston's side, i.e. against the Party. Another similarity is that they both end up betraying him, essentially they deceived him by hiding their true intentions from him. Charrington uses a literal disguise, while O'Brien was just pretending to be something he is not.
"Scheming or hazardous little guy" is Kantorek's literary genre. He represents an older generation of leaders who are betraying their supporters by espousing out-of-date beliefs. Paul and his companions saw Kantorek as a wise and enlightened person who owed his position of power to his knowledge. They rapidly pick up on his bluffing and come to loathe him for it.
ya can use dis and also make sure to make it two or more sentences <3
It creates mystery by suggesting that the narrator's view of the house will somehow change as a result of her experiences inside.
a quote from the story about how Greg reacts when the thugs enter the building
paraphrase the conversation that Greg has with Lemon Brown about his treasure.
Hoped I helped