The answer is "True".
The web beacons are one of the different techniques, that are used on web pages and emails, to check whether a user has access to some unobtrusively. It is a line, that is often invisible, and typically does not exceed 1 pixel.
- It is usually used with cookies.
- It is also known as a small graph, which generates a request to the server for tracking service.
It is good to know about the differences between margin and padding .Margin is the outer space of an element, while padding is the inner space of an element. In other words, margin is the space outside of an element's border, while padding is the space inside of its border. You can set auto value to margin.
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner();
double budget=0, num=0, total=0;
System.out.println("Your budget for the month? ");
System.out.println("enter all expense, and after that type -9999 to quit: ");
while(num != -9999)
System.out.println("under budget by ");
System.out.println("over budget by ");
- Take the budget as an input from user and store it to the budget variable.
- Loop until user has entered all his expenses and keep on adding them to the total variable.
- Check If the total is less than or equal to budget or otherwise, and then print the relevant message accordingly.
Getting it right will not only protect employees and visitors from harm, it will also help to create a safe, productive workplace and mean that businesses can avoid any unnecessary financial loss.
Bacon, go to the bacon! WORSHIP THE BACON!!!!!!!