Though his birthplace is in dispute, he considered himself a South Carolina native. His father died before his birth and Andrew's mother and her three small boys moved in with her Crawford relatives. Jackson attended local schools, receiving an elementary education and perhaps a smattering of higher learning
Place of Prosecution and Trial
The correct answer is B) The system of trades, crafts, and apprentices grew.
The example that accurately shows a change in American life in the early to mid-1800s is "The system of trades, crafts, and apprentices grew."
During the beginning and middle 1800s, there were many considerable changes took place in the United States. Among them, fabrics and industries were mass-producing conveniences and luxuries. This allowed the middle class to grow, and citizens had more leisure time.
The Industrial Revolution changed the life of many people. People that used to work in agriculture in rural areas of America decided to emigrate to the larger cities such as New York or Chicago, where the big industries were located and were offering many low pay jobs to operate the machines in the factories.
B. An urban area, aka a city.
Answer: b) Estuvo en contra de las Leyes de Reforma
Fernando Maximiliano de Habsburgo fue seleccionado por Napoleón III para tomar la Corona mexicana. Si bien el nuevo emperador contaba con el apoyo de los mexicanos conservadores, Maximiliano demostró tener una perspectiva mas cercana a los republicanos liberales. El descontento de los conservadores fue generado justamente porque Maximiliano retomó las leyes de Reforma y les sumó legislación relacionada con el codigo civil, las garantías individuales, y los derechos de los grupos sociales más desprotegidos.