There IS a sculpture of David.
I don't remember anything about an "extended metaphor," but the poem's main focus is to remind herself that while she loves the earthly comforts of her house and all her material things... it is important to not over-love them and instead think of all the spiritual rewards that are awaiting her in heaven.
<em>Dyfunction</em><em> </em><em>:</em><em>There appears to be a dysfunction in the patient's respiratory system</em>
<em>Miscarriage</em><em>:</em><em>She alone was responsible for the miscarriage </em>
<em>Ramification</em><em>:</em><em>He clearly did not think of the inevitable ramification for his unwise action.</em>
<em>Drastically</em><em>:</em><em>His life wouldn't change drastically if he agreed</em><em>.</em>
<em>Exacerbate</em><em>:</em><em>Excessive or hard exercise can exacerbate it.</em>
<em>Glaring</em><em>:</em><em>This glaring light hurts eyes.</em>
<em>Lacunae</em><em>:</em><em>There are large lacunae in the head in front of the ganglia</em>
<em>Tweak</em><em> </em><em>:</em><em> We just wanted to tweak his original idea a bit.</em>
I believe it's "<span>General."</span>