The wretched extravagance of the French led to mounting debts and eventually the French Revolution.
During the 16th-17th Century, France was the most powerful European nation with a strong army, rich trading relations and huge political influence on the continent.
However, as the national became more wealthy the average person still lived in poverty. Peasants in the country-side could barely afford food while the aristocracy in Paris enjoy the life of luxury.
Eventually, the country began to run out of money and had to take on debt. Taxes were raised to compensate and increase the income of the state.
However, this resulted in a revolt and culminated in the overthrow of the French King.
The Germanic leader Odoacer seize control of Rome.
The deposition of the Western emperor Romulus Augustulus by the Germanic leader Odoacer is usually seen as marking the end of the Western Roman Empire. Odoacer belonged to the "barbarians," as were known by the Romans. However, his actual ethnicity is unclear. After his conquest of Rome, he was considered King of Italy. He was also able to gain the suppport of the Senate, which allowed him to make major changes to the administrative system of Italy.
A tool that is not useful for economic health is spending.