it does affect
well police brutality really affect our mentality and mentally health also its a big problem in black lives matter community people are getting killed like george floyd he died for nothing and the main reason was police brutality
people cant be free and cant live in peace. buildings are getting fire
if you need more information then iwould recommend u to watch ( the hate u gave) movie its about black community vs police brutality
You didn't provide the answers, however, European Communist countries didn't have much choice since they were liberated by Communists during the war. The Asian countries did have a choice and chose to adopt it which is why there were many wars, both civil and one country fighting another like in Vietnam or Korea. They were supported by the Soviets and China.
President George Washington's 1796 farewell address warned citizens that democracy would not survive factionalism, and the United States should not enter into agreements with foreign powers that would commit American resources to protect the interests of foreign nations.
There is a very close relationship between plot and characterization or character development. As the plot moves forward, the plot reveals the characters' qualities. Likewise, it is also the characters' actions, beliefs, attitudes, and motivations, all of which make up characterization, that help to move the plot forward.One of Oedipus's qualities is his excessive prideand it is that quality which drives the plot forward the most. His excessive pride is...
I would be happy to help if given more than information