Because direct evidence was so scarce during the time of Ancient Greece, ancient historians had to rely heavily on story telling and embellishment, which that would never be tolerated with a modern historian.
During times of civic unrest such as riots, the national government can summon the national guard to its help if it thinks that the local forces cannot stop it or if the riots are going out of hand.
Through the Black Codes, blacks were not allowed to testify against whites, serve on juries or to vote. Blacks who did not sign yearly labor contracts with planters could be arrested. Some states limited job opportunities, barred them from acquiring land and even allowed judges to assign black children to work for their former owners without their parents consent.
No final do século XVII, as exportações de açúcar brasileiro começaram a diminuir. Isto ocorreu, pois a Holanda havia começado a produzir este produto nas ilhas da América Central. Com preços mais baixos e boa qualidade, o mercado consumidor europeu passou a dar preferência para o açúcar holandês. Que mudanças o ouro provocou no Brasil colonial? Roteiro Introdução A corrida do ouro A renda da metrópole Controle e repressão Os efeitos da mineração Introdução
Em meados do século XVIII começam a serem descobertas as primeiras minas de ouro na região de Minas Gerais.
O centro econômico desloca-se para a região Sudeste.