The internet is a tool that we can use to connect with people all around the world. It can help us with almost anything we need such as becoming a dictionary or a calculator. With the internet we can have almost any newspaper at the tip of our finger and yes, we can also use it to look up funny cat videos. Another great use is to be able to video chat family members that live across the country or maybe even in a different country. Now a days we can even take online classes and learn right from home.
double, dough, engine, gumbo, heathen, juggle OR 1.1, 4.4, 6.6, 2.2, 3.3, 5.5
Ordered alphabetically :)
Thousands of slaves joined the british because the british promised freedom if they joined.
I hope this helps!
Aside from your research being in a written form, how else can you show others your work? A multimedia presentation is a great way to showcase your work. It includes text, audio, and visuals to enhance your work.
Here are some guidelines to follow in transforming your research paper into a multimedia presentation.
The structure that you used in your research paper can also be used for your presentation. For example, just like how your research paper needed an introduction, body, conclusion, and works cited or reference page, so does your presentation. However, a spoken presentation is different from a written one. So go through your paper to examine the language and rewrite to make it appropriate for speaking out loud.
The answer is D...Tell me if i'm right.