captains of industry- were business leaders whose means of amassing a personal fortune contributed positively to the country in some way.
robber baron- was applied to powerful nineteenth-century industrialists who were viewed as having used questionable practices to amass their wealth.
Broadly speaking, Mercantilism was very good for European countries for a while but terrible for their colonies.
Mercantilism made people in the Old World VERY rich.
But, as a result of the imbalance, the relationship between the European countries and their colonies deteriorated making mercantilism good in the short term but bad in the long term.
The Hundred Days Offensive Jul–Nov 1918 was the costliest
The Ludendorff offensive other wise known as the spring offensive was a German offensive on the Western Front intended to win the war before the American troops that had begun arriving in France could fully deploy.
I'm unsure of how far they advanced
Kaiserschlacht was the last German offensive and was a series of German attacks along the Western Front.
Who was responsible for moving the Creek west of the Mississippi River?
President Andrew Jackson is the one responsible for moving the creek west of the Mississippi.