The nouns are Samantha Arias and dream.
The reason why Samantha Arias is a common noun is because she is a person and a person is a type of noun you use in sentences. Also, dream is a noun because it is a thing which things could be nouns too.
How to find your G mail Spam folder on a desktop. 1. Open G mail in any internet browser on your Mac or PC. 2. In the left sidebar, you'll see all of your folders, including your general "Inbox."
A prepositional phrase is a group of words consisting of a preposition, its object, and any words that modify the object. Most of the time, a prepositional phrase modifies a verb or a noun. These two kinds of prepositional phrases are called adverbial phrases and adjectival phrases, respectively.
prepositional phrase- plants
preposition- in
if you have visions, you have to have 2 of them so the second pair would be
prepositional phrase - daily basis
preposition- on
Learn more about prepositional phrase here:
Hassan is a deformed person who is bullied for his ailments and also because of being from the minority.
He is described as having a good nature and helpful of his friend Amir. He is respectful and subdued in his demeanor and although he is not physically well he never turns negative due to it.
His physical deformity is a source of huge pain for him. It also makes many people bully him. <u>His status as a minority also puts him in a difficult position in the society.</u>
<u>He is a smart character, but not through books. His own hardships have taught him to be street smart and is characteristically brave.</u>