Its outfile<<number.
However, before this we need to write"xyz.txt", ios;;out)
And this code will do what is required in the question. This is going to write the number's content to the xyz.txt file which is the file associated with the outfile.
And remember this is in C++. And C++ is a imperative oriented programming language. Undoubtedly, Python and R are fully object oriented programming languages.
The answer is self explanatory.
You can use the Import spreadsheet wizard program.
On the Office ribbon, select the External Data tab and click Excel. The "Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet" wizard appears. In the File name field, browse to the Excel file. Select the "Import the source data into a new table in the current database" option and click OK.
Steps of the technological design process include: identify a problem, research the problem, generate possible solutions, select the best solution, create a model, test the model, refine and retest the model as needed, and communicate the final solution.
ADD Products_price float(5,2) DEFAULT 9.99,
ADD Adding_time datetime;
So at first we need to use ALTER TABLE statement, when we use this statement we also need to provide the table name. In this case, i assume it is 'Products'.
Then, as per question, we need to add two columns.
The first one is 'product_price' and it contains decimal points. So, we need to use ADD statement and give a column name like 'Prodcuts_price' and its datatype 'float' because it contains decimal or floating points. so, for 3 digits on the left and 2 digits on the right, it makes a total of 5 digits. So, we need to declare it like this. (5,2) it means a total of 5 digits and 2 after the decimal point. after that, we need to set our Default value using the DEFALUT statement. so DEFAULT 9.99. it will set the default value to 9.99 for existing products.
And for our next column, we give its a name like 'Adding_time' then it's datatype 'datetime' because it will contain date and times.
D. a claim that more people drink a certain brand of cola that others
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