Uhhhhhhhhhhh maybe tbh i have noooo idea.
The Basic Program is as follows:
10 LENGTH = 50
15 WIDTH = 30
30 END
The Algorithm is as follows:
1. Start
2. Let Length = 50
3. Let Width = 30
4. Compute Area = Length * Width
5. Display Area
6. Stop
See Attachment for flowchart (flowchart is designed using draw io tools)
The flowchart, algorithm and basic program all follow the same sequence and explanation
Using the basic program as a case study;
Line number 10: The program starts by initializing LENGTH to 50
Line number 15: It then initializes WIDTH to 30
Line number 20: The AREA is calculated by LENGTH * WIDTH
Line number 25: The value of AREA is printed afterwards
Line number 30: Lastly, the program stops execution
The requirements are mainly written in a feature style notation, using some state charts,
context diagrams and other techniques to describe certain parts of the system. See, for
example, Software Requirements - Styles and Techniques [Lauesen00].
The functional requirements are divided into four sections. The three modules in figure 1
are developed by separate groups, each responsible for unit testing. All requirements for
the taxi, central and communication link component are written in a feature style notation.
In addition, a special part of the taxi component is the positioning system. This is dealt
with separately since there are special requirements present on this component.
The functional requirements consist of four sections: Taxi (3.1), Central (3.2), Communication
link (3.3) and Positioning system (3.4).
The answer is "Option C".
The local computer also refers to locally, it is a device, that is used by LAN. It is also called as a remote computer, in which all the data is stored in the main computer and accessible by protected password, and certain choices were wrong, which can be described as follows:
- In option A, It is used in digital communication.
- In option B, It is used in androids.
- In option D, It is used to provides web services.
B) Database Software
Desktop Publishing software and Multimedia software is not used for storing data, so it can't be that. Spreadsheet software stores data in cells, while Database software stores data in tables.