Color contrast is the difference in light between font (or anything in the foreground) and its background.
In web accessibility, how well one color stands out from another color determines whether or not most people will be able to read the information.
Contrast makes things look different and stand out
A(n) client exists a computer that requests and utilizes network resources from a(n) server.
What is a computer network?</h3>
- A computer network is a collection of computers that share resources that are available on or provided by network nodes.
- The computers communicate with one another via digital links using standard communication protocols.
- These links are made up of telecommunication network technologies that are based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency means and can be configured in a variety of network topologies.
- Nodes in a computer network can be personal computers, servers, networking equipment, or other specialized or general-purpose hosts.
- They can be identified by network addresses and have hostnames.
- Local-area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs) are the two basic network types.
- A(n) client exists a computer that requests and utilizes network resources from a(n) server.
To learn more about computer network, refer to:
Amtex Electronics promotes the process of memory retrieval and stimulate purchase.
Recall or retrieval of memory refers to information from the past, which has encoded and stored in the brain. It is known as remembering.
For example, the memory of your son drinking juice is an example of retrieval. Memory had been stored in long- term memory.
Many types of memory retrieval are recall and recognition. This information must be retrieved from memories.
Its answer is c. hardness
DDR is a feature of memory. It means a double data rate and is a more sophisticated version of the SDRAM, which is a memory. And the rest like the Multicore, 64-bit processing, and the L1 cache are the features of the CPU. And hence, the correct option here is none other than DDR. Remember that the L1 cache is the memory bank, which is being built over the CPU chip. And we have 32 bit and 64-bit processing for the CPU. As well as CPU can be dual-core, quad-core and likewise.