The correct answer is From east to west
Answer: The genotype ratio of offsprings of a cross between one homozygous tall plant and one heterozygous tall plant is 2TT:2Tt
The phenotype ratio is that all offsprings will be tall.
The genotype ratio of a cross between two heterozygous red flowers is 1RR:2Rr:2rr. The phenotype ratio is 3 Red flowers: 1 white flower.
Explanation: From the information given, tall is dominant and short is recessive while red is dominant and white is recessive.
Let T represent the allele for tall height, t represent the allele for short height, R represent allele for red flowers and r represent allele for white flowers.
The genotype of a homozygous tall plant is TT, the genotype of a heterozygous tall plant is Tt, the genotype of a heterozygous red flowered plant is Rr.
The possible genotypes of offsprings of a cross between one homozygous tall plant and one heterozygous tall plant are TT and Tt.
Tt will manifest outwardly as tall because T is dominant over t. Therefore, all the offsprings will be tall.
The possible genotypes of a cross between two heterozygous red flowers are RR, Rr and rr. RR will manifest as red, Rr will also manifest as red because R is dominant to r while rr will manifest as white because white allele (r) is recessive. Therefore 3 plants will be red-flowered while 1 plant will be white flowered.
See the attached punnet squares for details of the cross.
Organic chemicals can enter the grond water and contaminate private wells through waste disposal etc.
NADP does not convert testosterone to estradiol. This oxidation is done by a steroid 17-a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
This oxidation is essential for stability of hormone: it helps to regulates the elevation of Testosterone in women,subduing the manifestation of male sexual characteristics,
for preventing autoimmune diseases.
<u>The oxidation involved two basic steps of reaction, controlled by two different enzymes.</u>
<u>NADP is a Co- factor, when in reduced form( NADPH) is used in Calvin cycle, of light independent reaction of photosynthesis, and in Nucleic acid and triglycerides synthesis</u>.
It has nothing to do with conversation of Androgen( testosterone to Estradiol.
Biology, bio=life, logy is study