Hello, calling all ARTISTS!! I will be posting "Art" Questions all day, Artists can answer them and get points! QUESTION THREE:
What is your favorite SETTING to see in a drawing? Attach a picture in your answer!! (Ex. "my favorite setting to see if a playground on a sunny day" or "a meadow on a rainy day" or "a empty city street at night" something like that!) I'll give Brainliest to the person that attaches their art first and answers the question!! Here's your chance to earn free points throughout the day!
**GladionXHau will also be doing this same thing all day!! Be sure to watch out for her!!**
When three lilies are arranged in a pattern in which the largest lily is lowest and the next one up is smaller and the next one is even smaller than the second, the designer is using the technique called <em>Sequencing</em>.