delete my answer one more time you going to get it
Mazu has these powers because She was no longer an ordinary girl, the gods had touched her.
What had occupied mazu's mind initially was the act of weaving till her mind became peaceful and still. She had sat down to weave because she was worried for her fishermen brothers who were outside in the water.
Mazu was able to see her brothers after she fell into a trance and became extraordinary. She had been touched by the Gods who found her to be courageous and also a person who did not show off. She was thought to have a rarest form of courage that is balanced courage and that is why she was touched.
The reason she is able to see her brothers struggling to survive at sea and the reason she is able to guide them to the largest pieces of wood was due to the gods who touched her and made her extraordinary.
Uncle toms cabin i am pretty sure
The main difference between the Sophists and the other philosophers is that the Sophists were essentially rhetoric teachers, while the other philosophers were more interested in seeking the truth.
The Sophists were rhetoric teachers, and their focus was on the art of persuasion by using language. They were wise, intellectual people, and they were trying to use and teach their abilities of persuasion by using language to the wider masses.
The philosophers, on the other hand, were focused on knowing the truth, they wanted to be wiser by knowing the truth instead of dogmatically stand by the false beliefs. So they were trying to teach the wider masses the ways as to how to come to the truth and wisdom.