Answer:1)john.......had breakfast before his mom arrived.
John has a red car.
Explanation: 1 Past Perfect tense. Had had breakfast means that action was completed before the next action occurred.
2 Present tense. State of being now. Until he sells the car, he has it.
<span> These errors occur because the logician leaves out necessary material in an argument or misdirects others from missing information.</span>
Explanation:On the outside kenny seems like hes being nice with his son and trying to get to know him.But once underground he got all angry and upset and started to get physical with his son.He is a mad criminal and didnt evcen treat his son like his son but more like a mortal enemy.
Oraganizational standards are the way in which a text is structured. This refers to the way the text is organized and assembled to convey the necessary information that makes up the text. There are several organizational patterns with which fiction and non-fiction texts are organized, among these patterns, the most common ones are compare/contrast, chronological order, descriptive, or cause/effect.