Cartwright's invention of the power loom was significant because it used mechanization to automate much of the weaving process. ... Essentially, the power loom mechanized the function of a loom by use of large shaft and sped up the process of textile manufacturing.
Depends on if you understand Dharma as “religion” or “ethics” and which society you’re talking about.
I personally do not think that ethics is inseparable from religion.
In the Western countries religion is declining but ethical awareness is rising. So the “Social Justice” movement is growing exponentially (and over compensating I would say in its fanatical extremism) - but the nature of life is to swing to extremes before settling in the middle. (We just need to be vigilant with over-correction which can also degenerate into dystopia!)
So modern societies are more just, more free, more humane, more equitable, more kind, more compassionate, more altruistic than ever before. The environmental movement is growing by the day more and more people are becoming vegans - when Macdonalds starts offering vegi-burgers you know change is in the winds!!
Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people are striving every day for the common good (which is what Dharma is all about).
I see about me mostly goodness, kindness, generosity and compassion. So Dharma is alive and well and doing just fine.
Imigrants contribute to the US in many ways
Example : They work at high rates and make up more than a third of the workforce in some industries. Their geographic mobility helps local economies respond to worker shortages, smoothing out bumps that could otherwise weaken the economy. Immigrant workers help support the aging native-born population, increasing the number of workers as compared to retirees and bolstering the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. And children born to immigrant families are upwardly mobile, promising future benefits not only to their families, but to the U.S. economy overall.
Btw pls mark brainliest
Fascism rise in Italy because of disappointment of Paris Peace conference,unemployment, and rising inflation.
Slaves were shipped to the New World