I think If anything was left floating freely in the cabin, it would crash to the ground and possibly be damaged.
A. The huge white van full of holiday packages for everyone came down the street, is the correct way to rewrite the following fragment.
As compared with other sentences, this sentence makes the appropriate use of preposition 'down' followed by the noun, which clarifies the sentence precisely.
In the other sentences B. The huge white van full of holiday packages for everyone rumbling and backfiring. C. The huge white van full of holiday packages for everyone on our whole block. D. The huge white van full of holiday packages for everyone in time for Christmas; does not frame the proper sentences as it joins the sentences abruptly without any direction specification.
fewer, new, and pay-per-view
fewer describes people, new describes source, and pay-per-view is for basis
"...<u>without regard to partizanship</u>, we are committed to <u>full support of all</u> those resolute peoples, everywhere, who are <u>resisting aggression</u>" means 'Working together, America will help those who are fighting against tyranny.'
These contradictory descriptions can be reconciled because they capture both sides of what Hester has become because of her experiences. She is seen as pure, warm, and tender, because she has turned her life around. She is pleased to have her daughter, she helps others in the community, and people have begun to see her as a better person.
She is also seen as cold, because she has to carry the burden of holding a secret (the identity of her husband), and cannot be with the man she wants to be with.