vers - turned
The word version comes from the Latin root "vers" which means turned. Different versions of a story can often take a different "turn" in the plot or characters. For example, the story of the Three Little Pigs makes the big bad wolf out to be the antagonist. However, in the wolf's version of the story, the wolf just wanted some sugar and had a nasty cold. His sneezing is what knocked over the houses when he went to ask for some sugar. These are two very different versions of the same story. They each have different turns in them.
Answer: The final paragraph reveals that knowledge is key and living in the nOW is the best way.
The story takes place in a small village and at Mia's house. It takes place in the past and it is told in Mia's point of view. Part of the book takes place in New, York where the convention is held and where her doctors office is
I feel like it’s A dramatic irony