1) (El/Un) reloj está al lado del pizarrón.
2) (La/Una) silla está debajo del pupitre.
3) (La/Una) mochila está dentro de la sala de clase.
4) (La/Una) ventana está delante de la silla.
5) [I have no idea where the teacher’s desk is in the picture so if you could locate it for me I can form a sentence for this number for you :) ]
6) (La/Una) maestra está lejos del reloj.
Hope this helps ^^
Todos ustedes están mezclando.
Also a good website that you can use for translating is and there is also an app if you want to try that. (just some help for the future)
1.titulares 2.otro 3.las opiniones 4.sinó tambien 5.acuerdo 7.anuncios 8.Sin 9.Explica 10.el escritor
One of the traditions is the creation of large scarecrow like effigies, ´viejos´, to enthusiastically set on fire in the streets at midnight. This is Ecuadorian practice to symbolically bid a resounding goodbye to ´los años viejos´, the old years. Ecuadorians also consume twelve grapes upon the stroke of midnight, each representative of one wish for each month of the coming year.