Communism is the nationalistic authoritarian system of leadership (dictatorship) its initial ideal was that all people would be cared for in all ways. This however included the forced limiting of fertility and other social freedoms. And where communism was to be fair for all there was and is a higherarchy within the system giving some member much more than the rural members.
While many Russian soldiers were on the front during World War I, most of those who remained behind responded to the February Revolution by "participating in the riots," since this Revolution inspired a great deal of lower-class fervor.
A) Nationalists
Nationalists were the group which was against the colonization.
The Governmental Public Health Infrastructure
The success or failure of any government in the final analysis must be measured by the well-being of its citizens. Nothing can be more important to a state than its public health; the state’s paramount concern should be the health of its people.