Causa La Terra è abbastanza massiccia che l'attrazione della gravità mantiene la sua forma approssimativamente sferica. La maggior parte della sua deviazione dagli steli sferici deriva dalla forza centrifuga causata dalla rotazione attorno al suo asse nord-sud. Questa forza deforma la sfera in un ellissoide oblato.
If it follows the same pattern shown on the data table then the aproximate distance for a galaxy that has a velocity of 30000 km/s would be 1960 million light years and would be between the galaxy C and galaxy D.
I would venture to say that the country in South America that has the least amount of disposable water would be probably in northern Chile which is a desert ie the Atacama desert which stretches from the Pacific across to the Andes Mts while on the other hand, in southern Chile there is a temperate climate with significant rainfall and considerable disposable water.
Option: clearing the land to raise crops.
Agriculture first to practice by Neolithic people who shifted from hunting-gathering. During the Neolithic Age, humans invented new tools for farming that helped them to plough the land and clear unwanted weeds and plants. The cultivation included crops of wild which transformed into domestic. As they indulged in agriculture, they began living in one place rather than moving from one place to another in search of food. Animals were also domesticated who served them as companionship in the wild surrounding and food for survival.