Well anorexic is not exactly an endearing quality. If Helen is svelte, she would hardly like to be called anorexic. The former means that she is exotic in a very attractive manner as well as being athletically thin. That's a real compliment. Anorexic is a disease caused by undereating.
He should be sensitive to how she things about language and how careful she is. D might be a factor.
She would hardly care how anorexic originated. It's not something she likely wants to be associated with.
If the word has a hidden meaning form denotation, then it is something to consider carefully. Skinny is an example. Scrawny is even worse. Helen would not like to be called either of those. They have a disagreeable meaning associated with them.
I'm not sure what the proper interpretation of thematic form of a word is. I know what a theme is, and it does not sound very romantic, unless he's going to go on forever about her thinness which is not very smart.
I would choose B. Don't use words that have hidden meanings or obvious connotations.
This isn't a great story, to be quite honest. The story focuses less on the ways man used to start fires and more on the ways that nature started fires independently of humans.
That being said, it would seem as though the author is trying to express the fragility of fire early on, and it does seem as though he/she is saying that early on, humans just found a small amount of fire from a really dangerous origin to use as a kindling.
For sure, your answer should come from the second paragraph, which is the paragraph describing early kindling methods.
This statement is correct because the novel accurately and vividly depicts the gap between Victorian moral ideals and their absolute subversion and degradation. When deformed and hideous Mr. Hyde knocks down a little girl in the passage, it is almost a metaphor for his knocking down everything that is sacred and valued within his society - and the girl herself is a symbol of innocence. A couple of months later, he beats a man to death, displaying his urge for violence. But the most disturbing fact is that he is the same person as Dr. Jekyll, a well respected and decent man of high standing in his society, who can't bear to give up on his evil alter-ego. It depicts the fact that the more the society tries to restrain our dark urges, the stronger and more irresistible they become.
Hope this helps [to rewrite it in your own words].
this is I can help you good luck