The species that has the same predators as species c would benefit the most
Well one of the types of symbiosis is parasitism. Here an example would be a tapeworm (parasite) would live in and feed off a living host (humans in our case)
RrYy (F1 generation)
This is a typical dihybrid cross involving two genes in the pea plant; one coding for seed colour and the other for seed shape.
According to Mendel's law of dominance, an allele is capable of masking another allele in a gene, the allele that masks or is expressed is called the DOMINANT allele while the allele being masked is called RECESSIVE allele.
Homozygosity of a gene refers to it having the same type of alleles while heterozygosity refers to having different alleles.
In this example, allele for Round (R) and Yellow (Y) pea is dominant over the allele for Wrinkled (r) and green pea respectively.
Homozygous round green pea (RRyy) crossed with Homozygous wrinkled yellow (rrYY) will give rise to a heterozygous round yellow (RrYy) F1 offsprings.
Think of it like this. Horses do a LOT of galloping, which is hard on the feet! Hooves are a physical ADAPTATION, so that the horses won't experience pain on their journeys. They're hard, so that the horses don't feel the ground nearly as much. Now, mountain goats travel over rough terrain, with sharp rocks and steep inclines. Again, it's really easy for them to get hurt strutting around the mountains, so they evolved hard hooves to protect their feet.
I didnt quite got the question...But from fossil fules to wind energy....all these things are caused by Sun energy.