It is true walking in acid rain or even swimming in acid lake is no more dangerous than walking in clean water.
<span>Life expectancy in Sub-Saharan Africa is lower than that of more-developed nations.
Poverty is prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa. </span>It is also<span> is the region with the highest prevalence (percentage of population) of </span>hunger<span>. When a person is malnourished as well as undernourished, he or she has lower immunity and is more prone to have diseases. </span>
<span>The correct answer to this question is B - the two key questions in geography are intended to obtain certain factual information. Whilst the other possible questions given as answers for this question, such as 'why are they going' give indefinite, opinion-based answers, only answer B. Which birds are migrating would give a definite answer.</span>
Przyczyny marnowania żywności w Stanach Zjednoczonych i krajach wysoko rozwiniętych są następujące - zła pogoda, problemy z przetwarzaniem, nadprodukcja i niestabilne rynki powodują straty żywności na długo przed jej przybyciem do sklepu spożywczego, podczas gdy nadmierne kupowanie, złe planowanie i zamieszanie w zakresie etykiet i bezpieczeństwa przyczyniają się do marnowanie żywności w sklepach i domach.
The pointy things that hang down from the cave's ceiling are stalactites. (A)
The pointy things that grow up from the cave's floor are stalagmites.
(I imagine wearing shorts and hiking through tall grass in the Summer, and I say to myself "When the Mites go up, the Tights have to come down.".)