Laves el carro antes de ir a la fiesta. No nos acordamos de comprar los regalos. Para llegar a tiempo, Raúl y Marta acostaron a los niños antes de irse. Me siento cómodo con mi nuevo vestido. Mis amigas siempre se visten con ropa muy elegante. Los cocineros prueban la comida antes de servirla. Te preocupas mucho por llegar antes que los otros invitados, ¿verdad? En general, me afeito, pero hoy es un día especial y el barbero me afeita. ¡Será una fiesta inolvidable!
You wash the car before going to the party. We do not remember to buy the gifts. To arrive on time, Raúl and Marta to bed to the children before leaving. I feel comfortable in my new dress. My friends always dress with very elegant clothes. The cooks try the food before serving it. You worry a lot to get before the other guests, right? In general, shave myself, but today is a special day and the barber shave me. It will be an unforgettable party!
El conde pide consejo a Patronio porque tiene que hacer una cosa por la que la gente le criticaría, pero que si no la hacia le criticarían igual. Entonces este le cuenta la historia de un labrador que iba paseando con su hijo y con un buey.
1. We arrived very early, but there is a huge queue. The man who sells the tickets seems to be in a very bad mood.
2. Today is my younger sister's birthday. Instead of celebrating it at home, he wants to spend the day here, with tigers and elephants.
3. A net (net), a yellow ball and two athletes. Who will be the champion?
4. There are machines that go up, down, turn right and left. The most spectacular draws a maze of lines in the air.
5. How can it be that four people make so much noise on a crowded soccer field? My friend is having a lot of fun, but I don't understand anything they sing!
6. What nerves! What happens if the curtain opens and I forget what I have to say?