he helped with the . development of it but the answer is no he didn't discovered it
Most people give credit to Benjamin Franklin for discovering electricity. ... In 1752, Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment. In order to show that lightning was electricity, he flew a kite during a thunderstorm. He tied a metal key to the kite string to conduct the electricity.
Slavery and royal rivalries. In the following decades, the Kingdom of Kongo became a major source of slaves for Portuguese traders and other European powers. ... A common characteristic of political life in the kingdom of Kongo was fierce competition over succession to the throne.
The Kongo king played a primary role in the highly centralized political and social structures. He retained the right to appoint and remove officials, but his authority was checked by the council of elders and the traditional rights of clan chiefs.
Townshed acts
Was the tarrifing of goods in result many Americans boycotted British goods.