Online courses call for a greater amount motivation and self-discipline than a classroom-based course. A classroom has one or more instructors and peers, who can hold a student accountable for their course-work. In contrast, online courses involve setting our own goals, tracking progress and meeting deadlines.
The first line contains alliteration. Alliteration is when consecutive words begin with same sounds. In this case, you have Having Harrowed H.e.ll, which all start with the H sound. It refers to spoken sounds, not just letters, as some letters or letter clusters might be pronounced differently, so it has to begin with same sounds.
The second line contains a.s.sonance. A.s.sonance is a figure of speech used in poetry in which words contain the same vowel or dipht.hong in numerous words in consecutive order. In the second line, you have Light, Smiles, Drives, which all contain the dipht.hong /ai/ which repeats to give of a joyful sound when spoken
The third line contains consonance. It is basically the opposite of a.ssonance, instead of vowels and dipht.hongs, you have consonants that repeat in sequence over numerous words. In the third line, you have Mortal To Immortalize, where you have the strong T sound that is used in consecutive words.
France is once again ruled by a king.
National assembly takes power from King Louis XVI.
King Louis XVI beheaded.
Reign of Terror.
Napoleon becomes Emperor of France.
The French Revolution between 1789 - 1799 began as a result of the people's intention to eradicate all forms of Monarchy to afford the people a direct representation in government. The Monarch at that time, King Louis XVI imposed huge taxes and had a lot of debts. Also, the Revolution was a result of the American Revolution. Under King Louis XVI's reign, the Estates-General was called to settle the financial problems. The Estates-General was made of the Nobles, Clergy and the Third Estate who were expected to cast their votes. The third estate was made to pay the taxes. As a result of the combining powers of the Nobles and Clergy, the third estate allied and subsequently established a National Assembly. With these, the French Revolution fully began.
A period during the French Revolution was termed the Region of Terror as a result of the actions by Marie Antoinette and the Robespierre. The Monarch (King Louis XVI) at that time was executed and the Rise of Napoleon ushered in a new era in France as it brought an end to Monarchy.