This spousal obligation<span> continued after death or divorce. On marriage a wife obtained a dower right to the use, </span>for her<span> natural life, </span>of<span> one-third </span>of<span> the husband's property after </span>his<span> death, regardless </span>of<span> any </span>will<span> to the contrary. She retained that right even if he sold the property before he died, unless she specifically relinquished it.</span>
The French Revolution was a watershed event in modern European history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte.
he Haitian Revolution was the first Latin American colony to free itself from European rule. ... In most Latin American countries creoles led the revolutionary movements.
It was the "League of Nations" that was the international governmental organization that the United States declined to join after World War I, since most Americans thought this would entangle them in more European wars.