Can you give me more information plz
Between the years 1096 and 1099 the first crusade occurred. This crusade was characterized by the mobilization of a large army composed mostly of French and German knights, who responded to the call of Pope Urban II to conquer the Holy Land. A large number of men from the most modest classes followed.
The attacks on Jewish villages in Germany were not caused by fear of their military power. The main motivation to carry out these acts of violence was the provisioning of these armies marching towards Jerusalem, which did not have the necessary preparation.
The Crusaders justified these attacks by claiming that both Jews and Muslims were enemies of Christ.
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thomas paine suggested that american idependence from britian was just a matter of time was true
Among the 12th and 15th centuries, the European economy was transformed by the interconnecting of river and sea trade routes, producing Europe to become one of the world's most wealthy trading networks. Before the 12th century, the main obstacle to trade east of the Strait of Gibraltar was the absence of commercial incentive rather than inadequate ship design.
Many lands previous unfamiliar to Europeans were discovered by them during this period, though most were already populated. European overseas exploration directed to the advance of global trade and the European colonial empires, with the contact between the Old World (Europe, Asia, and Africa) and the New World (the Americas and Australia).
To sum up, The wealth that could be made through trade was the major motive for the European exploration between 1400 and 1800, letter A.
Trenches provided protection from bullets and shells, but they did carry their own risks. Trench foot, trench fever, dysentery, and cholera could inflict casualties as readily as any enemy.