The answers are as follows:
Iceland - Volcanic island arc
San Andreas fault - Continental drift
Andes mountains - Transform boundary
Indonesia - Continental volcanic arc
Hawaii - Hot spot volcanism
Marian trench - Subduction zone
Himalaya range - Continent continent boundary
East Africa - Ocean ridge/spreading water
The Guateque Campesino is the celebration in which groups of friends and neighbors meet to celebrate either the end of the harvest or a family commemoration. These parties include danses and singers who often improvise the lyrics.
B ) Guateque Campesino
It would affect all organisms on the planet and the food cycle would be ruined.
Only three Caribbean countries have oil and natural gas reserves: Barbados, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago. Of these, Trinidad and Tobago is the only significant exporter. *Source: Oil and Gas Journal, December 23, 2002. Trinidad and Tobago is the Caribbean's largest producer of oil and gas.
Cold air IS less dense, sinks, holds less vapor