<span> D. goods are bartered without speaking</span>
During Shakespeare's time, theatrical acts were done in open air and broad daylight. So, you would imagine that the settings would be limited. It is expected that you leave the imagination to the audience. Actors set their scenes through the use of language.
They weren't so successful at conquering Europe or China. Of course, one can blame the long supply lines, but in these cases their adversaries were also determined to repulse them.
In contrast, Byzantium and Persia were exhausted from mutual warfare. Tribes related by kinship to Muslim Arabs had served as mercenaries during this period, so there was a lot of tactical knowledge available.
The Byzantines retreated to the highlands of Anatolia upon losing their lower-lying provinces to the Muslims. I am not sure if they launched a determined counter-attack. The Persians did, but they could not fight coherently.
Im pretty sure its an=2x300 n because his balance DOUBLES which would be x2
You got it right, Copernicus.