Did you not once love Caesar? What has made ... to hear the will. Antony tells the citizens all of the things that Caesar has left to the people of Rome.
The period is named after the capital city of heian kyo or modern kyuto.
They made Channels underground a lined with clay to prevent sepage in the surrounding soil. They were a big contribution and we still do something inspired by that today.
Art and science probably flourished in Muslim culture for many reasons. Like Islamic art is characterised by the use of geometrical floral or vegetal designs in a repetition known as the arabesque. The arabesque is important in the culture because it is used to symbolise the transcendent, divine and infinite nature of God. Science has also helped the Muslim culture and has raised the lack of scientific literacy in different aspects of the modern Muslim world. For example around the 15th century Muslim mathematicians and astronomers developed of almost all areas of mathematics.