'im mirándonos a través de su ventana
If you are referring to selection pressure, when the selection pressure decreases, there will be weaker forces of natural selection. The angler fishes without the favourable traits would not be that strongly selected against and vice versa. In some cases such as predation selection pressure, the population of angler fishes in the habitat may increase
An icon is a symbolic representation of an action to be taken, given in emails or message bars. Icons are metaphorical representations of emotions and feelings which a human is unable to explain in words.
The icon used to represent an attachment is paper clip.
When we click this paper clip icon, it allows us to attach any file including a document or a picture in that particular email. An attachment may also contain a virus, Trojans, worms and other form of malware.
Answer is Option D - XY.
A typical human diploid cell contains 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs: Two of the 46 are the sex chromosomes that determine an individual's sex: XX = female and XY = male.
D. because the sun grows the grass the mouse eats the grass and the snake eats the mouse...