Island dim disk disk dim sum
When we have to find a largest in a list of n elements.First we have to iterate over the list so we can access all the elements of the list in one go.Then to find the largest element in the list we have to initialize a variable outside the loop with the minimum value possible and in the loop compare each element with this value,if the element is greater than the variable assign the element to the variable.Then the loop will find the largest element and it will be the variable.
Software for personal computers is typically developed and distributed independently from the hardware or operating system manufacturers. Many personal computer users no longer need to write their own programs to make any use of a personal computer, although end-user programming is still feasible. This contrasts with mobile systems, where software is often only available through a manufacturer-supported channel. And end-user program development may be discouraged by lack of support by the manufacturer.
1 MB = 1 000 000 B (bytes)
4 MB = 4 000 000B
=> false