They lost more land to the French in the second treaty.
There were two important peace treaties, that were signed in Paris,that had a significant effect on the history of America during the 18th century (1700's):The Peace Treaty of Paris 1763 ended the French Indian war (aka the Seven Years War) The Peace Treaty of Paris 1783 formally ended the War for independence.
Gorbachev's best statement about perestroika is that without a perestroika, the cold war would simply not be complete. But the world could not continues to evolve, as it was, with a sharp threat of a nuclear war.
In order to reform the relaxed Soviet Union, the democratization of the Communist Party was promoted through the policy of Mikhail Gorbachev's party "perestroika" and "glasnost". Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system founded by the Communist Party.
Prestroika means reformation, and volume means openness. The openness is primarily reflected in relations with the West, which gave a major contribution to the end of the Cold War.