1 - Les épines des fleurs servent à rien, et elles sont de la pure méchanceté de la part des fleurs.
2 - Le petit prince dit que les fleurs sont faibles, qu'elles sont naïves, qu'elles se rassurent comme elles peuvent et qu'elles se croient terribles avec leurs épines.
3 - Il trouve de mystérieux le pays des larmes.
4 - Il est en colère parceque il était appelé un champignon. ( I'm not sure about this one. Would recommend asking someone else to be sure ).
Vodiondry is a gift given by the groom to the bride's family. ...Vodiondry is a sign of respect and a way for the groom to thank the bride's parent for raising such a beautiful and wonderful daughter. Often, the groom will offer a gift to the bride's brother as well, called “tampi-maso” (meaning'eyewear').
(A) 1. I know that French is spoken almost everywere around the world.
2. French comes second after english
3. Learning French can benifit your career ( depending on what the career is)
(B) 1. I want to learn how to prounouce things in French a little better
2. I want to learn why French Is such a popular language around the globe
3. I want to know how French became an actually, official language and how it spread throughout the globe.
<u>ALLER</u> : (<span>GO, the verb in the third group, at <span>present)
Je vais
Tu vas
Il, elle, on va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils, elles vont