It shouldn't but sadly it still does in this day and age
He was sympathetic of Catholics in anglican England along with his attempts for an Absolute monarchy.
According to Jules Ferry, through the policy of colonial expansion in France, Ferry (Imperialist) justifies his proposal for expansion through the exploration and conquest of new nations through economic, social and patriotic ideas arguing about the need for export markets comparing France with higher exports from Germany and the United States, and the right that the superior races have over the inferior races.
It is possible as a result of new free trade agreements that the Central American countries will become more dependent on the United States as a result of the terms of the agreement. However, the Central American countries have decided to engage in this agreement because they feel that the terms of the agreement will help to boost trade and gain greater access to the American market. The trade pact was put into place in 2005 and 2006. It takes careful analysis to determine who the winners and losers of this trade bloc will be, however, the possibility remains for inequitable gains to be made.