To use my knowledge and skills to achieve goals of a company that focuses on customer satisfaction and customer experience.
Despite the limitations of the life she led, Anne Frank managed to remain optimistic.
The sentence above was able to illustrate the conversational intimate diary style. This is because, despite the challenges of being a jew and hiding from the authority, she was able to keep a day-to-day account of what she is passing through in form of a dairy.
Later, she would go through them just to keep herself optimistic of the family and her being free from hiding.
2015 is the year they travel to but the year they were in was 1985
Answer and Explanation:
An alliteration is the repetition of sounds or letters at the beginning of words that are close to each other in a structure. I believe there are two lines in which alliteration can be found in the excerpt provided:
<em>Too </em><em>s</em><em>ilver for a </em><em>s</em><em>eam—
<em>Or </em><em>B</em><em>utterflies, off </em><em>B</em><em>anks of Noon</em>
In the first line, there is the repetition of the /s/ sound, while in the second one, of the /b/ sound. The words are in quick succession, close to each other, which makes the repetition even more noticeable.
NOTE: I was unable to find this question online to see what the options are. In case you should only choose <u>one</u> line, pick the second one - butterflies / banks.