The factors that can create differences in perception can arise from the perceiver, like his attitude, motive, past experiences, education, and even faith. Factors produced by the target could be being a novelty, its sound, or size. The Situation can also create factors that affect perception, such as time and context.
Although everybody might have a different perception of reality, the reality remains the same. What we perceive as reality is not reality itself, but a constructed idea based on the aforementioned factors that become our reality. Our perceptions do reflect reality, but reality can be interpreted in as many ways as people are in the world, so we can´t expect our reality to be the only one.
Kaye loves to read adventure books.But Gail personally loves mystery books the best.
32 degrees F
Freezing point of Celcius is 0, which, converted to Fahrenheit, would be 32.
I would be using interposition, relative size, shadow and illumination, and linear view. Through placing homes, woods, and a river before the mountains, I would use interposition for big. The mountains will be seen as far behind by doing this. Use relative size, make nearby items larger, including field weeds, and smaller artifacts as far as the mountains. This will create a sense of scope with the painting pictures. When designing the houses, I will use light and shadow as dimension. The picture would appear more three-dimensional by shadowing the sides of the houses.
I can often use longitudinal vision to shape sides of the buildings when drawing the buildings. I can form three-dimensional buildings, all relative one to another, by putting a dot on the paper and connecting all the corners of the front of the buildings to that dot.