Este material añadido caliente se enfría por conducción y convección de calor. En los bordes de consumo de la placa, el material se ha contraído térmicamente hasta volverse denso, y se hunde bajo su propio peso en el proceso de subducción, generalmente en una fosa oceánicase. es verdadero
The Mongols set up a tribute empire called The Golden Horde. Serfdom arose as peasants gave up their lands to the aristocracy in exchange for protection from the Mongols. Moscow benefited financially by acting as a tribute collector for the Mongols. Mongol rule kept Russia culturally isolated from Western European trends such as the Renaissance.
As early people began farming the Fertile Crescent, small villages began to form. With the further development of farming, many of these small communities began to grow into large, complex cities. Located in present day Iraq, the Fertile Crescent is a “half moon” shaped area that lies between two rivers.
yes because 600000000 people on the world speak this language (im not einglish)