<span>Corruption is stealing of funds that are not supposedly owned by the stealer. In most cases, it mostly happening in institutions and organizations. It is impacting on SA because the taxes that are meant to be allocated on employment projects and policies are stolen.</span>
A reason is that every single human being cries, no matter what gender or what age. How would a man feel if their mother passed away? They would feel an emotion to cry, release their sadness in some way. And that way, the most normal way, is to cry. Every man - I guarantee has cried at some occasion. Since that's the way the body works, all humans will cry no matter what gender they are. And there is also no such thing as real men. Just because a man will not step up to fight someone or will avoid another man it does not mean they are not a real man. And just by common sense there is no such thing as real men all men are real mean!
<span>the boy refuses the sailor's offer of food.</span>
Hey there!
a continent is like a member of a band because they both come together to make something great (the continets make earth and the band makes music)
an ocean is like a lion because they both are very powerful and many people are scared of them both.
i hope this helps a bit :)