Demand for plastic sprinklers for year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and Year 4 is 98 (33 + 14 + 51) , 111 , 133, 136.
The Production line capacity requirement for the next four years will be equal to the demand for the next four years. The production line needs to meet the annual demand for the plastic sprinklers. The production line is extended and economies of scale is introduced with helps the company save additional cost of extension in the production line.
Bt Bicoins este o moneda virtuala care valorează extrem de mult, nu, nu este ilegal sa ai un bit coin
Turbo Tech has been able to offer more perceived value than Best Mobile
Turbo Tech has managed to market itself as a superior brand compared to Best Mobile. Through aggressive marketing, Turbo has convinced the industry that it is better than Best mobile.
Marketing is about creating brand perception. If customers agree with your arguments, the brand gains an advantage in the market. Perception is not reality. These two competitors have the same unit cost and market price. It could mean that their quality is also on the same level.
Turbo Tech has a better martketing strategy than Best Mobile.
Presentation skills challenges
Presentation can be defined as an act of talking or speaking formally to an audience in order to explain an idea, piece of work, project, and product with the aid of multimedia resources or samples.
Basically, any speaker who wish to create an effective presentation should endeavor to interact frequently with the audience by holding a conversation.
This ultimately implies that, to create an effective presentation, speakers are saddled with the responsibility of interacting more often with the audience by taking questions, making a joke, getting them to repeat informations loud at intervals etc.
If during your presentation, you realize that you are talking too fast. This is a problem of presentation skills challenges.
Hence, speakers are advised to be passionate and show enthusiasm during their presentation because it would enhance their ability to speak confidently and as such leading to an engaging presentation.