Keeping it brief, the Court -- little by little -- gradually asserted that certain rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are, in some way, "in" the 14th too; that the 14th protects those rights from being violated by the states. But the Court never said that all of the rights in the Bill of Rights are "in" the 14th. Over the course of many decades the Court kept on expanding the list of which rights in the BoR are "in" the 14th, but all along the way the Court kept on saying too, that not all of the rights are "in." By the 1960's *most* of the rights in the BoR were "absorbed" into the 14th.
I think he is reminding the American people that our
ancestors fought hard to establish this country. He tells that we should proud of who we are
and where we come from and we should always defend the ideals of democracy both
here and abroad.
Migration has been an important force in the development of America. Ever since the English settled along the banks of the James River in 1607, subsequent generations have looked beyond the boundaries of their settlements to the unsettled regions of the west. These people realized that the advancement of their civilization was dependent upon a continuous supply of mobile humans who were willing to pack their belongings and their families, to relocate to another part of the continent, to transplant their culture, and to resume life in a new environment. Since the American nation was founded and developed on the basis of this westward orientation and on a belief that God had predestined the American people to fill the nation to its natural boundaries, one can easily conclude that migration has been, and continues to be to this day, a distinct characteristic of America and its people, so much so as to earn the population the title of a "People in motion."
One of the main advantages of incumbency for a democratic election is that the people are used to the incumbent, another would be that the incumbent usually has more money, and other would be that they are used to campaigning.
C -factory workers
because slaves were freed and indentured servants gained freedom after they finished working for a few years, but factory workers still suffer harsh conditions today so that's my reasoning