Save the logo as a TEMPLATE.
A template is a pre-developed page layout in soft copy or hard copy used to make pages with the same pattern, style, or design.
In the above scenario, you can prepare a template with you logo in it and save it for future use. In the event that you need to create a new document, you only have to bring up the saved template and edit it with the new information that you need to type.
This way, you will not be hassled to manually add your logo to every new document you create.
You should find a good game engine that is not hard. Unity and Unreal are some good ones.
You should also search for the programming language you like the most, and use engines that use that specific language.
arson, kidnapping, gun fighting
a. (p*Main).age = 20;
Pointers use ->
where as normal variable use . to access its members
pMain is the pointer.
*pMain is the value inside pMain.
pMain->age = 20;
This statement equals to
(*pMain).age = 20;
Answer is option a.